What is Bitcoin and How to buy Bitcoin in 2022

buy Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) is the first cryptocurrency by capitalization, history, and importance within the sector. Today it is possible to buy it on many exchanges, with each offering different conditions.

Bitcoin is now considered by everyone to be a real investment, even the gold of the future. Volatile and risky, sure, but certainly very profitable. Buying Bitcoin was a choice of many Italians during 2021, also because cryptocurrency often ended up on TV and on the news, especially when it set new price records.

Since 2017, when 1 BTC was worth $ 17,500, cryptocurrencies have become a popular topic but today more and more analysts believe they could become the currency of tomorrow. But how do you buy Bitcoin?

Buying Bitcoin (BTC): What Evenings To Start?

Bitcoin (BTC) is the most popular cryptocurrency in the world and we can find it on all the best exchanges, i.e. digital exchanges that are dedicated to the trading of cryptocurrency. To buy it we will have to open an account in one of these exchanges, have a card or a bank account and operate through our PC or smartphone. Let’s now see in detail what we will need to buy BTC and you can buy Bitcoin with a debit card here.

  • The exchanges

They are websites where we can buy and sell cryptocurrency. The best were born several years ago and are now regulated in detail, at least when we turn to the best operating in Europe or the USA. Not all exchanges are the same, however: we will have to choose one of quality and that can offer solid guarantees.

In our guide, we will identify all the best exchanges that today offer their services in Italy to buy Bitcoin. And to do it without risk and under the best possible conditions. The ones we have chosen also offer access to other cryptocurrencies, in case we want to diversify our portfolio.

  • The means of payment

Each exchange supports different payment methods. We can generally pay by payment card, whether it is a credit card or a prepaid card. Bank transfers can also be used although the times are generally more extended. There are also other important differences regarding the means of payment:

Cards: they are on average more expensive at any exchange, in the sense that the commissions for buying BTC could be as high as 2% in some cases. However, they are the fastest way to buy Bitcoin today. In fact, from the payment, the BTCs are credited immediately and without having to wait for the typical transfer times.

Bank transfer: all the best exchanges also accept bank transfers as a means of payment. In this case, however, we will have to wait for it to be credited. Although it is cheaper on average, it is also more inconvenient for those who want to enter the BTC market now. Or rather, for those who are impatient to do so. The choice between the two channels is a balance between cost and speed.

If we want to spend less, the bank transfer is the best solution we have available. If, on the other hand, we want the maximum speed, the card is the right choice for us. However, both systems are safe and accepted by the majority of exchanges. By choosing a good exchange, we can be maximally confident about the security of the payment systems.

How to Buy Bitcoin: Conclusions

We don’t know how long it will take but, sooner or later, Bitcoin will be as widespread as the US dollar. This is just one of the good reasons to buy Bitcoin, but even those who want to make an investment in the medium term could enjoy its constant growth that has lasted for years now.

2020 and 2021 were two excellent years for Bitcoin, and the entire cryptocurrency sector, despite pandemic crises and financial earthquakes not yet fully concluded.

Buying Bitcoin is getting easier and the platforms to do it are increasingly widespread and popular on social media. Furthermore, the purchasing procedures are now really simple and the most popular payment methods are accepted by various intermediaries.

Certainly, its volatility is still a phenomenon that can create annoyance, but the increase in its diffusion will mitigate this aspect. Although there are those who are happy with this because they are able to exploit it in their favor, being able to speculate on the change in prices in the short term. An operation that has its high risks and that must be carefully studied.
